Category Archives: Multi-touch

iPod touch soft update

I just upgraded my iPod touch using the newly-released soft-update to 1.1.3 method for Mac OS X. It came in jb113.dmg, and used a terminal-based application to download the new firmware archive, unencrypt it, patch it, and upload it to my iPod. Then, I just ran the soft-update package from, waited a few minutes, and behold, my iPod rebooted into 1.1.3. The third-party apps that I installed under 1.1.2 were not visible at the springboard, but they were accessible by uninstalling and reinstalling using I hadn’t installed the January 2008 paid software update prior to upgrading, so I went ahead and purchased that after doing the soft upgrade with great success – the new Apple apps were available, icon-excitement worked wonderfully, and my 1.1.3-reinstalled third-party apps were still available.

Patience finally paid off.